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Chapu, Henri
Born in Le Mee (Seine-et-Marne) in September of 1833, Henri Michel Antoine Chapu was something of a rags-to-riches story of success, eventually becoming one of the official court sculptors of the Third Republic. He began his studies at Petit Ecole, later studying under Pradier and Duret when he joined Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1849. He spent some years in Rome, where he won the second grand prize for sculpture (Prix de Rome) and garnered his largest commercial success upon exhibiting the present example in 1872. He spent most of his professional life in Paris, eventually being elected as a member of the Institut in 1880. He died in Paris in April of 1891.
Literature & Further Reading:
- Art Bronzes, Micheal Forrest
- Bronzes: Sculptors and Founders 1800-1930, Harold Berman
- Nineteenth-Century Romantic Bronzes: French, English and American Bronzes 1830-1915, Jeremy Cooper
- Bronzes D'Art F. Barbedienne, Paris, 1886 edition
- Bronzes of the 19th Century: Dictionary of Sculptors, Pierre Kjellberg